10 Surprising Foods That Could Be Staining Your Teeth (And How To Avoid Them!)

10 Surprising Foods That Could Be Staining Your Teeth (And How To Avoid Them!)


A bright and healthy smile is a confidence booster. However, certain foods and drinks can cause teeth staining over time, making your smile appear less vibrant. Thankfully, a trip to a professional teeth whitening service, like Laguna Niguel teeth whitening, can help reverse these effects. Here are ten surprising foods that could be staining your teeth and ways to avoid the negative impacts.

Tea and Coffee

Tea and coffee are common culprits of teeth staining. They contain tannins which can lead to discoloration and staining. Coffee and tea also have a high acid content, which can alter the pH balance of the mouth, making any acidic foods consumed afterwards damage teeth more aggressively.

Switch to white or green tea, which is less likely to stain than black tea. For coffee drinkers, consider adding a splash of milk to your coffee to lighten it and reduce its staining potential.

Red Wine

Red wine, much like coffee and tea, is known for its teeth staining capabilities due to its tannin content. The deep red color can leave your teeth looking gray and dull over time.

If you can’t avoid red wine entirely, try swishing water around your mouth after drinking it to help prevent it from staining your teeth. Regular dental care can also mitigate the effects of red wine stains.


Curry, a staple in Indian cuisine, is known for its rich depth of color. However, its dark pigmentation can cause yellowing of teeth over time. The staining happens gradually but can be significant, especially for regular curry eaters.

To avoid this, always make sure to brush your teeth thoroughly after a meal that includes curry. Additionally, consider incorporating a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, and cauliflower into your meals to help prevent stains.


Berries are packed with antioxidants, but their deep hue can stain teeth. This includes not just fresh berries, but also products made from them like pies, juice, and wine.

To minimize the staining effect, rinse your mouth with water immediately after consuming them, or brush your teeth if possible. Chewing sugarless gum can also promote saliva production, which helps wash away food particles.

Balsamic Vinegar

Balsamic vinegar is a healthy salad dressing, but it can also darken your teeth. Its dark natural color and its tendency to stick to teeth make it likely to cause stains.

Try using lighter-colored vinegars or lemon juice as an alternative for your salads. If you must use balsamic vinegar, be sure to include a crunchy lettuce in your salad – the hard surface can help to clean the vinegar off your teeth as you chew.

Soy Sauce

Soy sauce is another dark liquid that can cause staining. The darker the sauce, the more likely it is to stain teeth.

Limit your use of soy sauce when possible. When you do use it, don’t let sushi or other food sit in the sauce for too long. Brushing your teeth post meal can also help in preventing stains.


Beets are known for their intense, deep red color. While they’re a healthy addition to any diet, their strong pigment can cause teeth staining.

Try eating beets in moderation and brush your teeth within an hour of consumption to prevent stains. Beet juice should be consumed quickly, rather than sipped over a period of time, to limit the potential for staining.

Tomato Sauce

Tomato sauce is highly acidic and brightly colored, which can lead to tooth discoloration over time.

When consuming dishes with tomato sauce, consider having some green vegetables first, like broccoli or kale. These veggies create a protective film over the teeth, reducing the risk of staining.

Popsicles and Candies

Popsicles and candies may be a delightful treat, but many of them contain colorants that can discolor your teeth. The sugar content can also lead to cavities, which indirectly discolor teeth.

To reduce potential teeth staining from these treats, opt for colorless or lightly colored varieties. After enjoying such sweets, rinse your mouth with water, chew sugar-free gum, or brush your teeth to remove the sugar and colorants.

Cola Drinks

Cola drinks not only contain dark colors that can stain your teeth, but they also contain a high level of acidity that can erode tooth enamel, leading to further discoloration and dental issues.

Try to limit your consumption of cola. Consider drinking with a straw to minimize contact with your teeth, and always rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after drinking colas to lessen their harmful effects.

Conclusion: Maintaining White Teeth

While avoiding or limiting these teeth-staining foods can help keep your teeth whiter, maintaining proper dental hygiene is crucial. Regular brushing, flossing, and dental checkups can prevent many dental issues, including discoloration.

Remember that teeth whitening Laguna Niguel can offer professional teeth whitening services for those already dealing with tooth discoloration. The teeth whitening process is safe, effective, and can transform your smile, removing stains that regular brushing can’t address.

The goal is not only to have a radiant smile but also to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Thus, mindful eating, proper dental care, and regular visits to your dentist for cleanings and checkups should be a part of your oral health regimen. By combining these methods, you can enjoy your favorite foods and still keep your smile as bright as ever.